Saturday, November 22, 2008

Still here...I guess!

I haven't posted for way too long...and I don't even know if there will be any catching up now. I just wanted to let all who read this and are able to attend, we are having a going away party for our family and the Allred Family. They are leaving before us, but it will be our last time togethere for a while so we want to share it with all of our friends. Robert will be home for only 3 days next week. Thanksgiving, the day after and then he leaves Saturday night...late. So, we are going to have a gathering pretty much all day on Friday after Thanksgiving. The 28th from 1200 to whenever!!! It will be a come when you can stay for as long as you want and eat whatever! We will be providing snack food and drinks! So, I hope to get this around to all! Please, pass it to those who you think would like to come and say goodbye. We don't want anyone left out, but I can NOT figure out the Evite thing!
Things have been going pretty smooth around. Not a whole lot going on, but I do have a few things to share..I will give an update soon. and I will post pics of what has been going on later...Probably Sunday! no promises though. I hope all is well with everyone. Please call if you have questions about Friday.

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