Saturday, November 28, 2009
Jaguar Football-

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Still alive! I promise!!
This is going to be the shortest blog post I have ever done, but I felt so bad seeing that I havn't posted since the 9th and even that was short. Life has been super busy for us. Football season is AWESOME, but very time consuming. Now Basketball has started up. I am going for my Bachelors degree. Robert works crazy hours and days and I got a full time job.!! Wheeww!
I have a ton of pictures of our past month or so. I have so much to share, I really don't know where to start...so bare with me! I will post pics soon and the scoop on us all!
Till then.....
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Not to brag or boast....
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
New toy...

He looks so mean in this picture. It was taken with my phone, because honestly I didn't think they would be able to swing the great deal they did...but that is how it works. He is much more comfortable driving to and from work. And, I have to admit, it is a very nice ride. We were able to go out for a nice bike ride with John and it was very comfortable. I will miss the Ninja, but that is how it is.
This is Robert and I on our bike ride. The other picture is John and his girlfriend.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
New Postings!!
A day of fishing!!

Dallas Cowboy Training Camp

Saturday, August 8, 2009
I finally got it!
Sunday, August 2, 2009

At the July Pack meeting Robby received several Weblo pins earned at camp to include the archery pin. Michael earned several awards from camp as well. He also would have earned an archery pin, except it is only for Weblos. He is really close to earning his Wolf.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Our 4th of July catch...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
better left well enough alone.
Monday, July 27, 2009
So much to write about...where to begin!
Well, as I look back on the last few months I realize that our lives have been very busy. It really seems as if the days go by a lot faster here in Texas. I thought about going back and trying to recap all that we have done, but realized that too much time has gone by for me to really give a play by play. I just decided to make a collage of pictures. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words right? I will give you just a little bit of what has been going on. Forgive me if it is a little scatter brained.

One Saturday we decided to travel down to Corpus Cristi. It only about 2 hours away. We didn't really know what to expect, but it was fun. Sandy beach and very hot and humid. The water is crazy warm. I had no idea that it would be that nice. The kids really enjoyed themselves. And Yes, that is Elisa playing in the sand. I told her, "it's fun to be kid once in a while huh?" She said yes...it was fun. I think she also learned NOT to wear makeup if we are going to the beach, even if it is "waterproof!"

We did however learn a very painful lesson...the spray sunscreen works great, but not in windy conditions. They boys really learned that the hard way, but handled it like champs. I felt so bad, but I did learn my lesson. Apply lotion in windy conditions or you will suffer the consequences. Michael still has the tan mark from the line of where the sunscreen did work.
(Michael on the left...Robby on the right) Robby's was actually worse, it showed up real dark the next day.

Oh one last update...

I hope all is well with all my family and friends. Please leave comments to let me know you stopped by. I miss you!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
4th of July get-a-way!
4th of July weekend with the Tanner Family

Here are a few photos from our 4th of July vacation with Roberts Brother and his family. We had a wonderful time and hope we can do it again real soon. We rented a trailer and drove down to Oklahoma. We stayed at a KOA and it was so relaxing. I told Robert that this was the best kept secret. We did a lot of swimming in the pool and fishing in the catch and release pond. Which we were allowed to take home 3 turtles from. Made Michaels day of course. (I will post pics of their new home soon) We traveled to Ft. Smith Arkansas and visited a mueseum which was a lot of fun. It was just a very enjoyable weekend. The boys really had a lot of fun spending time with their cousins. The only thing that could have made it better is if Elisa was there. Hopefully we will be able to do it again so she can. I put together a movie of all our pictures, but for some reason I can not upload it to my blog yet...hopefully I will figure it out.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Just so you know!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The quick low down!
Well, I hope all is well with everyone! I love reading all of your blogs. I just wanted everyone to know that I love and miss all you you so much! I will have more to post soon. Keep in touch with me and I will do the same!
Love and hugs to all !
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
A Very Special Day...more ways than one!
Now, quite a bit happened before the baptism. We went to Sea World and a couple baseball games. (Which I will write another blog about and post lots of pics) but I have to tell you that the adversary worked very hard at trying to keep my sweet Michael from being baptized. The day of the scheduled baptism, we were returning home from a baseball game to get ready and we had a slight mishap. Mom, missed the step to my front porch and fell cutting her leg very badly. Robert and I wrapped it up, but we both knew it needed stitches, the problem was we had no idea where to go. We called the paramedics and all they did was tell us that we did a good job bandaging her up and draw us a map to the hospital. I am exaggerating, they did take her blood pressure, check her sugar and so on. They were great and Michael was excited to see them, cause he just loves anyone in that kind of uniform. They did ask if we wanted them to take her, but we decided to take her instead. We had to cancel the baptism for that night and reschedule for the 12th. We would have tried to do it on Sunday, the 10th but that was Mother's Day. Michael was sad at first, but he was more worried about grandma. In fact he went to the ER with Robert and I. He was such a great trooper. The Dr. let him come back and watch them stitch her up. I was worried at first, but he did amazing! He was so interested in what the Dr. was doing. I told him then that he could be a Dr. He immediately said, "No, I am going to be a Firefighter!" I then told him that he could be a fireman while he went to school to be a Dr....you should have seen his eyes light up. And I immediately thought "What did I do????"
It was a long night for all of us, I was just so grateful that mom didn't break anything. She felt so bad, but I know it was just the adversary trying to keep the strong spirit Michael has from progressing. It didn't work. Today Michael entered the waters of baptism, and it dawned on me. My BABY! was just baptized. How special this was. He was so excited and he just seemed to absorb everything the speakers said. We had two amazing speakers Brother Luna and Sister Schoen and I am so grateful for their willingness to speak at his baptism. We sang Micheal's favorite songs, "When I am Baptized" and "I'm Trying to be Like Jesus". The closing song was done by us, and it was "Teach Me to Walk in the Light" It just went so beautifully. I really could have not asked for a more special day. I hope it is a day that Michael will remember and hold dear to his heart...I know I will.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Happy 8th Birthday Michael :)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Visit with E's Mema
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy Easter!
This Easter snuck up on me, just as everything else has this year. I am beginning to realize that this year will all be a blur to me. It is going by so quickly, which is good in way. Anyhow, I had a hard time today. We have a tradition that started 13 years ago. We celebrate Easter with Aunt Patti and Uncle Kim. (except the 3 years that we were in Germany, which was hard on me as well.) We usually have a huge feast and all the grand kids, hunt for Easter eggs. Uncle Kim always fills one of the eggs with a dollar coin which the kids love. But this year it was just us. We dyed Easter eggs after our nap on Sunday. We even blew eggs this year. I thought it was so funny to watch the kids faces when they began to try and blow the egg. It was fun.
They didn't get much from the Easter Bunny. (Who knew that Easter would be such a huge thing here) The Easter Bunny must have been really busy!!! They were still excited that they got such a big chocolate bunny though!
I hope everyone had a great Easter. Love to all of you!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Catching up!
Spring Break fun!
So, since I am now working, the kid's spring break wasn't very exciting. I did take Wednesday off early and I took them to the Alamo. Robby was to do a scavenger hung for extra credit in History. I thought it would be fun to see the movie of the Alamo and just enjoy the day downtown. The weather was a little gloomy. but we didn't mind though cause it reminded us of Washington. We luckily did not get rained on so it made for a nice afternoon. It kept it cool. We go to the Alamo around 3:00 in the afternoon. We must pay to park and after seeing that it was going to cost $10 one place and $5 another, I chose the $5. place. It wasn't much further and hey, it's $5 right? So, we parked. I went up to the meter to pay. I inserted my money. It asks me if I want a receipt. I said, "hey, it didn't ask me for my space number" so I press cancel. Well, it canceled it, but kept my money and I didn't get a receipts. Robby is so sweet, says "I will pay Mom. " (Because it clearly states that you must put a receipt in the dash of your vehicle) Being the stubborn person I said, "NO...I paid. And I am not paying another $5 when I could have parked over there for the $10." So, we went along our way. We had a fun time. We watched the video, wandered in the gift shop and a few others. Michael got a rubber band gun, which he loves. And Robby bought himself the worlds largest jawbreaker. This thing was huge! When it was time to go and we were walking up to the van, and I jokily said..."I hope I don't have a ticket!" Phew, no ticket! Just this....
That's right! I got booted! Not just once, but twice! And the fine to remove the boot is $100!
I couldn't believe it! When the guy got there to remove the boot and collect his money, I argued. I told him that I paid. I explained to him what happened. He said I understand, but it worked for everyone else in here! He has a valid point, but I was NOT paying $100 dollars. So, I had him walk over to the machine with me and I walked him through step by step what happened. Obviously, I paid for the person in front of me. There was a group of people standing by the machine when we got there, and me being a scardy cat, waited until they had gone to approach the machine. He did believe me in the end, and let me go with a warning to make sure that I follow the promptings and read the messages carefully. Made me laugh and think as I got back to the car. We prayed and thanked Heavenly Father for watching over us and asked that the gentleman would be blessed for trusting me.
It was a very neat experience, although I hope it won't happen again. The message sure was clear though. "Follow the promptings and read the messages carefully!"
Take care. I love you all!