Saturday, August 1, 2009

Our 4th of July catch...

I have been meaning to share this with everyone, and keep forgetting to post it. While we were on our little vacation in Oklahoma, we acquired 3 turtles. Needless to say this made Michael extremely happy. His favorite animal is a turtle and has been asking for one for quite some time. They require a lot of work and tortoises are quite expensive. So, when the KOA owners said if we caught the water turtles that we could keep them, it became his mission. Between Michael, myself and a little boy that was also staying at the KOA we were able to catch 3 of them. We transported them in a cooler and the next day we went to pet smart to buy the supplies we needed. Michael worked hard to dig the hole to put the pool in the ground. I said they were not going to come into the home for two reason. I know how much they can smell, and second they were accustomed to being outside. I didn't think it would be right to take them away from their natural environment. Pet smart had a plastic "pool" for pets. We made this their pond. We bought plant life for them and put a rock so they could sit on it and "sun". After a few days the turtles really seemed to like their home. It was fun to watch them eat and sun on the rock.

*SAD update! This week our turtles disappeared. (they were starting to enjoy being in our backyard) We are unsure of the culprit, but think it must have been a possum or raccoon. We are certain that they did not escape on their own. Michael was upset. In the meanwhile we have an empty pool in our backyard. We hopefully will get some new ones. If and when we do we will have to invest into a little fence around our pool.


Jennis said...

darn CRITTERS.... they were cute.

TexasTwinsTwice said...

Oh I was sorry to read the update that they are no longer. =( They were so cute. How nice that you let him bring them home!