Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Princess!

Elisa turned 14 today. Wow! It makes me a little sad to think of her growing up so fast. I am not ready for her to be this old. But, ready or not, here she is!
She is turning out to be quite a beautiful lady. She has always been beautiful, but she is turning into a lady. For her birthday she got her very first eyeliner. She was so excited. She has been begging me to wear it for months and I kept saying no, not yet. Well, today she got her way. I told Robert that I have to face the fact, she is growing up, whether I like it or not. So, she told me that she needed help, but I told her I am not putting it on her, she had to do it her self. I helped her anyway, and she looked way too grown up. It is amazing how fast they grow up.

We took her to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. She loves her Buffalo wings! It was a good night. I hope she had a great day!

(unfortunatly I didn't get any pics from the night! )

1 comment:

TexasTwinsTwice said...

WOW--14 already! She's a beauty--better watch out! (I know I don't have to tell you that=)